Draft Schedule

Monday - Introductions, Impromptu Pitches, and Storytelling:

Students will learn the plan for the week, give a 3-minute pitch of their research without preparation, and learn how to use traditional story structure to describe research.

Participants arrive by midday

  • (2:00pm) Instructor and program introductions

  • (2:30pm) Participants' introductions and icebreakers

  • (3:00pm) Impromptu pitches

  • (4:00pm) Coffee Break

  • (4:30pm) Storytelling lecture

  • (5:30pm) Storytelling improv and brainstorming

  • (7:00pm) Dinner

Tuesday - Audience consideration, Analogies, Jargon, and Hooks:

Students will learn about using knowledge of their audience to ground their research. We consider the audience in order to develop engaging analogies, and to determine what technical, and culturally triggering, language to avoid.

  • (8:00am) Breakfast

  • (9:00am) Audience consideration lecture

  • (9:30am) Mirroring improv and brainstorming

  • (9:45am) Guest lecture on engaging your audience

  • (10:30am) Coffee Break

  • (11:00am) Analogies lecture

  • (11:30am) Analogies workshopping

  • (12:30pm) Lunch

  • (1:30pm) Guess the jargon improv activity

  • (2:00pm) Jargon + distilling vs dumbing down lecture

  • (2:45pm) Coffee break

  • (3:00pm) Writing hooks lecture

  • (3:45pm) Writing hooks workshopping

  • (4:30pm) Group social activity

  • (7:00pm) Dinner

Wednesday - Storyboarding, Visual Design, Cultural Competency, and Delivery:

This day focuses on visual communication and oral presentation. We will apply the storytelling lecture from Monday to developing a presentation storyboard, learn strategies for clearer figures, give consideration to the cultural impact of our communication tools, and practice delivery skills.

  • (8:00am) Breakfast

  • (9:00am) Storyboarding lecture

  • (9:30am) Storyboarding workshop

  • (10:30am) Coffee Break

  • (11:00am) Guest lecture on visual design + figure workshop

  • (12:00pm) Lunch

  • (1:00 pm) Cultural impact and communication style

  • (1:30pm) Group work time

  • (3:00pm) Guest lecture on delivery

  • (4:00pm) Group work time

  • (5:00pm) Group social activity

  • (7:00pm) Dinner

Thursday - Presentation Prep:

At this point in the week, students will devote their time to developing their final talk. We emphasize that peer feedback will be incorporated into working sessions.

  • (8:00am) Breakfast

  • (9:00am) Presentation development time

  • (10:30am) Coffee Break

  • (11:00am) Presentation development time

  • (12:30pm) Lunch

  • (1:30pm) Group Break Activity

  • (3:00pm) Practice Presentations Part I

  • (4:30pm) Coffee Break

  • (4:45pm) Practice Presentations Part II

  • (6:30pm) Dinner

Friday - Presentation Revisions and Final Talks:

On the final full day, students will finish their final talks and present them to their peers. We will also provide guidance on how students can develop a similar program at their home institution.

  • (8:00am) Breakfast

  • (9:00am) How to start your own Engage program

  • (10:30am) Coffee Break

  • (11:00am) Group work time (revisions)

  • (12:30pm) Lunch

  • (2:00pm) Guest lecture on expecting the unexpected

  • (3:00pm) Group work time (revisions)

  • (5:00pm) Lightning Talks Public Event

  • (7:00pm) Dinner


Before students depart, we will review what we learned through the week and set the stage for post-Institute touchbacks with Instructors.

  • (8:00am) Breakfast

  • (9:00am) Developing a plan to share what you’ve learned, post-Institute logistics

  • (10:00am) Participants depart