Engage Course Testimonials

  • “The exercises of making an elevator pitch, making a blog post, and making a town hall [talk], all while getting feedback along the way, was definitely the most useful part of this course. I feel like as much as you can talk about the importance of science communication, the real impact/learning comes when you actually have to practice it.” - 2024 student

  • “[This class] should be a requirement for everyone in science.” - 2023 student

  • “The group dynamic was better than most classes I've taken. Class participation was encouraged, but there was no pressure. Instead, the environment of openness made it easy [to] participate. I trusted that everyone wanted me to succeed, and I was able to give feedback that also helped others.” - 2022 student

  • “This class really stretched my thinking and was intellectually stimulating! I had to think about my science and the way I present my work in a very new perspective that was completely different from how I would normally approach presenting it. It was also fun to think creatively and work on telling a story instead of just presenting data and presenting with a lot of jargon/technical words.” - 2021 student